Friday, August 21, 2009

Well I Was Just Being Honest... Hell, Too Honest...

So for those of you who don't know me personally, I have a 25 year old sister who lives back in Virginia. To be so young, my sister is doing exceptionally well for her age. She has a job, her own apartment, and her own car. She works as a physical therapist full time, and is still trying to further her education so she can be more certified in the medical field. Just recently her and her boyfriend of 4 years broke up. Needless to say, I was the first person she called to spill tea to. And you know the first question that came out of my mouth was," Bitch! Now what's really the tea!". She went on to tell me that she just couldn't take his shows no more. Since he had moved in with her his whole attitude had changed. She said that since she made more than him, and handled most of the bills that really put a toll on their relationship together. Now this is the shit that gooped me! Yes I understand that my sis makes more than him, and pays for the majority of the bills, but why should that matter if he is still taking care of business. Another question that I guess will never be answered is, why do men always have to be in control??? This is one thing that bothers me the most. Men don't feel like men unless they have power over you or are controlling you. It's that whole pride and ego thing. The reason for them breaking up was not over the a "I make more money than you" issue, yet it was because of his pride. I told my sister to leave his ass alone. If he is not mature enough to realize that clearly my sis is gonna make more than him just because she has a college degree, and the fact that she doesn't need shit from him because she can do it all by herself, than he doesn't need to be with her. See a lot people {gay and straight} complain about how they can never seem to get the right person. Yet, when someone that is half decent comes their way they find or create a problem to mess things all up. Then it leaves the person who is the "stable" one GOOPEd and with the shitty end of the stick. So now my sister is single, and just recently went on a date. She told me that the first conversation that she had with the boy she told him that she had just broken up with someone that she had dated for 4 years, and that she still loved him very much. The guy told her that he was in a very similar situation as well, and that he totally understood. So they went out on a couple of dates, he brought her flowers, and things seemed to be going quite well. My sister said she was happy, because everything was "laid on the table" so to speak, so she just knew she had nothing to worry about, so she thought... So one morning she receives a text from him saying to forget about going to the movies later on that night. Of course my sister asked him why,and he told her because she was still in love with her "ex". So my sister paid it and said okay. Now when I tell you this GOoped me stupid! What the fuck! Like, are you seriously. Now follow me on this, clearly this guy was pressed and really put some thought in to this. You can tell he was thinking about the situation because you just don't send somebody a text saying "Well you can forget about the movie" all willie nilly! Hell. And second of all why would you do a show when clearly my sis stated the real tea from jump street! If my sis would have never told him what was up at the beginning then I would except this show, but since my sister told him what was good at jump, he could have been a man about the situation and said that he didn't want to mess with my sister. So I pose this question, how honest is too honest??? It seems as if when you lie you get gooped, and then when you actually keep it 100 you get gooped even more. It's a lose lose situation. And how come men can never handle the truth. It seems as if when you tell them the real tea, they get devastated and want to start acting like little girls and having bitch fits! I just can't take. I told my sister to pay his ass too. Because clearly, he doesn't know what he wants. I told my sis to get her a few snacks and just date and get her life, take it easy, and enjoy being young while she can. Despite these shows that occur in my life, I still think that honesty is always the best policy. The moment you tell a lie you have to tell another lie to cover the first lie you told, and its just an endless cycle. And that's just something that I can't do. And another thing, if you want to be in a successful relationship you have to leave your pride at the door. You are suppose to be a team with you partner, and selflessness is a quality that both partners should have. And don't let someone try to diminish your accomplishments! If he/she loves you, then he/she should be truly happy for you regardless or what they do in their lives.. But that's all folks, hope you enjoyed and hopefully you can take something from this.... Laters..

Meesha Bradshaw

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